question in " Verify HDL Model with Simulink Test Bench (Tutorial)"

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
shide agani
shide agani le 1 Mar 2013
hello ,i was working with "Verify HDL Model with Simulink Test Bench (Tutorial)",in matlab help i did the most commands with out error but when i reach to starting simukink there was an error: Error reported by S-function 'shdlcosim' in 'untitled/HDL Cosimulation/S-Function': Failed to connect to server. Make sure the loaded HDL simulator library is using shared memory i set the hdl cosimulation block in share memory but still i have problem ,in the tutorial i couldent find that what to do after Creating the Simulink Model please help me ,thank you so much!
  1 commentaire
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind le 5 Mar 2013
How do you start ModelSim? Please specify how you use the "vsim" command.

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