Unable to call table2array in another function

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hanisah Rashid
Hanisah Rashid le 28 Nov 2020
Commenté : Walter Roberson le 29 Nov 2020
I have a table with only 1 column containing numeric data.
filename = 'dataset_Facebook_modified.csv';
data = readtable(filename);
labels = data(:,end);
Then I want to create a function called 'l_std' where I'm trying to use table2array to carry out some calculations.
function [labels_std, labels_avg] = l_std(labels)
labels_std = 0;
labels_avg = 0;
label = table2array(labels);
labels_std = std(label)
labels_avg = mean(label)
However, I got the error message as below (red text):
Brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Error in table2array (line 27)
a = t{:,:};
Error in l_std (line 5)
label = table2array(labels);
When I run it in the main tab, it works fine. I just cannot run it in another function (in another tab).
Can anyone advise where is the error and how to solve it?

Réponse acceptée

M.Many le 28 Nov 2020
Modifié(e) : M.Many le 28 Nov 2020
labels = data{:,end};
Use this to directly get labels as an array instead of a table. There is no need to use table2array.
  10 commentaires
Hanisah Rashid
Hanisah Rashid le 29 Nov 2020
I understand that I can set the initial variables directy to arrays and change back to table when I needed it, but I'm just stumped figuring out where I got it wrong.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 29 Nov 2020
We do not know, as we have not seen the code for that other "tab".
I am not even clear what a "tab" is for this purpose?

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