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how do i retrieve the values from a plotted graph?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
sumanth le 25 Mar 2013
lets say i have a plotted graph which is obtained using an estimator block in simulink. how do i retrieve the values of the plot using only command window?

Réponses (1)

Doug Hull
Doug Hull le 25 Mar 2013
Modifié(e) : Doug Hull le 25 Mar 2013
>> h = plot(rand(1,3));
>> get(h,'ydata')
ans =
0.534064127370726 0.089950678770581 0.111705744193203
If you have the handle of a line in MATLAB, you can get the data out of it.
I suspect you can get the information more directly from Simulink though.


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