Solve ODE in different time intervals

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
maro le 27 Mar 2013
I want to solve ODE as a function over three different intervals [0,1],[1,1.2] and [1.2,3].
My function to solve my ODE is "solveODE" as following:
function [x, tinter, xinter] = solveODE(xdot, T, t0, ...
x0, u)
[tinter,xinter] = ode45(xdot, ...
[t0, t0+T], x0,u);
x = xinter(size(xinter,1),:);
where: "xdot" is my ODE function here k1 is constant has different valuesaccording to each of three intervals.
ODE function to be solved is as following:
function xprime = xdot(t, x, u, T)
xprime =[x(2);...

Réponses (1)

maro le 27 Mar 2013

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