AM modulated and demodulated signal
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I run this code but I have mistake in this part :
y_demod =amdemod(y_received,Fc,Fs,0);
can anyone help me with the correct syntax.
[y,Fs]=audioread("SpeechDFT-16-8-mono-5secs.wav") %Input audio
m=0.95 % Modulation Index
snr= 60;
Fc = 150e6; % Carrier Frequency
Fs= 300e6; %sampling frequency
AM = ammod(y,Fc,Fs,0,max(y)/m);
y_received = awgn(AM,60);
y_demod =amdemod(y_received,Fc,Fs,0);
title('AM signal over AWGN');
(y -y_demod ) % Errors
(y - y_demod).^2 % Squared Error
mean((y - y_demod).^2) % Mean Squared Error
RMSE = sqrt(mean((y - y_demod).^2)); % Root Mean Squared Error
1 commentaire
Mathieu NOE
le 9 Déc 2020
first I checked that : The value of Fs must satisfy Fs ≥ 2Fc.
this is ok
then I wonder why you overwrite Fs :
[y,Fs]=audioread("SpeechDFT-16-8-mono-5secs.wav") %Input audio
then latter on :
Fs= 300e6; %sampling frequency
are you sure that the two Fs are the same value ?
Réponses (1)
Shraddha Jain
le 15 Déc 2020
Hi Mahabba,
Your syntax for amdemod() seems okay to me. Could you elaborate more on the error you are encountering?
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