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How to reshape a matrix?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ashraf Afana
Ashraf Afana le 27 Mar 2013
Hi, I'm trying to reshape a matrix in a way that the number of rows are extended and repeated in relation to the last record. For example if I have a matrix of 4 columns and 2 rows. each column describe a variable and each row describe a record. The problem is the last variable is formed by a sub set of values, which means is not limited to one columns rather to several ones (e.g. [5:6:8:9:4]). How can I reshape the matrix in a way that all the records with one value are repeated and the records with different values are arranged in column way. so the final matrix will be of 4 columns and 8 rows. Regards,

Réponse acceptée

Mahdi le 27 Mar 2013
I would recommend looking at these two documentation:

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