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MatLab: Average (column,row) entry across many different files -> create output file

7 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hi there,
I have many files with an".IV0" ending (this is something similiar to .txt). In each file I have an header of 15 rows. This header should not be aken into account. After the header there are 3 columns (seperated by " " and about 81 rows). What I want to do now is to average e.g. row "16" column "1" of each .IV0 file and make an outputfile, which has 3 columns and about 81 rows and in each (row, column) is the average of all the same (row, column) elements from all the different files.
I have tried what you have said, but don´t really know what to do anymore...Can you help me? This is the code I tried:
folder = 'C:\Users\Averager\';
IV0Files = dir(fullfile(folder, '*.IV0')); % Use absolute path names
numfiles = length(IV0Files);
average1 = zeros(1, numfiles);
average2 = zeros(1, numfiles);
average3 = zeros(1, numfiles);
for k = 1:numfiles
M = csvread(fullfile(folder, IV0Files(k).name));
average1(k) = mean(M(:,1));
%average2(k) = mean(M(:,8));
iv0write(fullfile(folder, 'output.IV0'), average1);
  2 commentaires
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE le 10 Déc 2020
so, do you have some data files to share ?
I am on
Simon Keegan
Simon Keegan le 10 Déc 2020
Modifié(e) : Simon Keegan le 10 Déc 2020
Hi Mathieu,
yes I do have some data (attached). I had to convert them to a txt file in order to upload it. It shouldn´t make a difference, if it is a .IV0 file or a .txt file in the end. i guess.
I already worked on it again and created this:
folder = 'C:\Users\Averager\';
folderout = 'C:\Users\Auswertung\';
IV0Files = dir(fullfile(folder, '*.IV0')); % Use absolute path names
numfiles = length(IV0Files);
%the following should be automatic. I did it manual for two examples to see if it is working in general
M = load(IV0Files(1).name);
A = load(IV0Files(2).name);
average = (M+A)/numfiles;
%this is to save the data in the new IV0 file
iv0write(fullfile(folderout, 'output.IV0'), average);

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Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE le 11 Déc 2020
So this is my suggestion
I wonder why we need to average also the 3rd column with is the time values ?? making not much sense IMHO
IV0Files = dir(fullfile(folder, '*.txt')); % Use absolute path names
numfiles = length(IV0Files);
data_sum = 0;
for ci = 1:numfiles
data_file = readmatrix(IV0Files(ci).name,'NumHeaderLines',15);
data_sum = data_sum+data_file; % summation accross the files
% divide by numfiles to have the average (and not the sum)
average = data_sum/numfiles;
% %this is to save the data in the new IV0 file
writematrix(average, fullfile(folderout, 'output.txt'))
  4 commentaires
Simon Keegan
Simon Keegan le 11 Déc 2020
IT WORKS!!! YEAH. Great. Thanks a million Mathieu.

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