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Export image from image segmenter and maintain the original image

9 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hazwani Mohmad Ramli
Hazwani Mohmad Ramli le 16 Déc 2020
I want to export this image from image segmenter to my computer while maintain the original image. what should I do?

Réponses (1)

Subhadeep Koley
Subhadeep Koley le 16 Déc 2020
1) Click on the "Export" button and then click on "Export Images"
2) Save the Final Segmentation mask with the name BW, click on "OK"
3) Go to MATLAB command window and execute
overlayedImg = imoverlay(originalImg, BW); % Here originalImg contains your original image data
4) Write the overlayedImg to your computer using
imwrite(overlayedImg, 'overlayedImage.png');
  1 commentaire
Hazwani Mohmad Ramli
Hazwani Mohmad Ramli le 18 Déc 2020
I have try using this code but the image saved like this. I want to export the original that show the segmented ROI. The yellow color.

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