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how to change values within an array to NaN

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Harald von der Osten
Harald von der Osten le 18 Jan 2021
loading xyz-data into Matlab and interpolate that scattered data like this:
load f56.dat
x=f56(:,1); y=f56(:,2); z=f56(:,3);
[xn yn]=meshgrid(min(x):0.01:max(x),min(y):0.01:max(y));
gives me 1950 values in x and 4000 in y.
Because of a region of bad data I would like to set that region to NaN for further processing. How can I set 1280 <= x <= 1950 and 3025 <= y <= 4000 to NaN ?
Thanks a lot.

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Matt J
Matt J le 18 Jan 2021
Modifié(e) : Matt J le 18 Jan 2021
zn = F(xn,yn);
bad = (1280 <= xn & xn<=1950) & (3025 <= yn & yn <= 4000) ;
  1 commentaire
Harald von der Osten
Harald von der Osten le 18 Jan 2021
oh...much easier than I thought it would be...thanks a lot :-)

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