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How to save output from iteration?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Tara le 22 Avr 2013
i have an array a=[1;2;2;3;4;4;4;4]; when i type
for i=1:3
it only results col=1, i wanna save all of the col, it's like
what should i do? thank you
  2 commentaires
Leah le 22 Avr 2013
it's not clear what you are looping over since "i" does not appear inside the for loop. Also your desired output for col, doesn't really make sense since 1 only appears in the first entry of a. What do the three outputs for col mean?
Matt Kindig
Matt Kindig le 22 Avr 2013
@Tara: For what it's worth, you can accomplish the same thing more efficiently by using ismember(), as:
[temp,locs]=ismember(a, 1:3);
% 'locs' will contain positions where 1,2,and 3 are found in 'a'

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Réponses (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 22 Avr 2013
for i = 1 : 3
[~, col{i}] = find(a==1);
Notice the switch to cell arrays. This is needed because any given value might occur 0, 1, or many times instead of exactly once.
Also notice you are doing exactly the same "find" each time. Perhaps you wanted to find over a(i,:) ?
  1 commentaire
Tara le 24 Avr 2013
Modifié(e) : Tara le 24 Avr 2013
@walter,how about my code bellow
for i=1:length(maxprob)
pred=find(numb==3); % this results index of number
if length(pred)>1
it only results the final answer, not all the result of iteration. can you help me? thank you

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