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How to save the criterion at which neural net training was finished?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Alexandra Aulova
Alexandra Aulova le 2 Fév 2021
I am training a fitnet network with trainbr. I run training of different topologies in cycles for nets with different number of neurons and when trained save customly calculated performance parameters for further optimization. The question is: how can I save the criterion on which training process was exited? In whatever form will be ok. This will help me analyze the results, as i will be able to adjust training parameters, now i have them all at default values as the first iteration. Particularly I am interested if the training was finished based on number of epochs or other performance parameters.
thank you in advance for your answers!
  1 commentaire
Alexandra Aulova
Alexandra Aulova le 12 Fév 2021
Dear all,
Is it possible at all? Maybe @Greg Heath could help?...
I will be very grateful for this inforamtion since I am looking for it for some time already...

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Réponses (1)

Swetha Polemoni
Swetha Polemoni le 30 Mar 2021
With trainbr, training occurs according to trainbr training parameters. You might find the following documentation useful.
  1 commentaire
Alexandra Aulova
Alexandra Aulova le 7 Avr 2021
Thank you for the link. This unfortunately does not help, since I am looking for the option to save the training exsiting criterion, either number of ephoch or mu parameter or MSE target for example.

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