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Why is the Simulink toolbar not displaying correctly when I open my model using MATLAB on Windows 8.1?

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
When I open Simulink and try to make a new project, the toolbar simply is not there. It has the space but no buttons.
I have tried deleting and redownloading Simulink and also resetting path settings but nothing seems to work.

Réponse acceptée

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team le 30 Déc 2020
The R2019b release does not support the Windows 8.1 OS. This may be the reason for the issue you are seeing. We recommend installing and running Simulink on a supported OS such as Windows 10 or Windows 7 SP1. For a full list of supported operating systems, see the link below:

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