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Single prompt for large set of variables

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Sreenidhi Yeturi
Sreenidhi Yeturi le 25 Fév 2021
Commenté : Sreenidhi Yeturi le 26 Fév 2021
Hi I have huge set of variables that require an input from the user I would like to prompt them for all of them at once. I cannot figure out how to use inputdlg() from the documentation. I'm currently using,
a = input('prompt')
b = input('prompt')
c = input('prompt')
d = input('prompt')
I want to find a better way to do this. Can someone help?
  2 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 25 Fév 2021
The only trick for inputdlg() is that it returns a cell array of character vectors and you have to convert the character vectors to numeric if appropriate.
Stephen23 le 26 Fév 2021
You can use str2double.

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Réponses (1)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord le 26 Fév 2021
How huge is the "huge set of variables"? If your function requires the user to enter hundreds or thousands of values, I would advise you not to require them to use input. Write a function that accepts data passed as input arguments. If you really want to allow your users to type the inputs in manually you can then write a script that calls input and passes that data into the function as input arguments. Users that already have the data in a form your function can accept can bypass the script and directly call the function.
  1 commentaire
Sreenidhi Yeturi
Sreenidhi Yeturi le 26 Fév 2021
This is the method I came up with. Thanks

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