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Error: NaN/Inf breakpoint hit for symvar.m on line 33. 33 n = inf;

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Sreenidhi Yeturi
Sreenidhi Yeturi le 2 Mar 2021
I'm trying to calculate the discrete wavenumber and plot the phase error for all the values of p from 0 to 180. I know there is a probelm with the differentiation operator but I dont know how to fix it.
My Code;
close all
syms k
c = 3*(10^8);
w = 2.0*pi*c;
ta = input('Enter the theta value ');
CFLN = input('Enter the CFLN value ');
dx = input('Enter the dx value ');
dy = input('Enter the dy value ');
dz = input('Enter the dz value ');
b = sqrt((1/dx)^2+(1/dy)^2+(1/dz)^2);
dt = CFLN /b;
for p = 0:180
sxa = (cos(p)*sin(ta)*dx)/2.0;
sya = (sin(p)*sin(ta)*dy)/2.0;
sza = (cos(ta)*dz)/2.0;
St = (1/dt)* sin((w*dt)/2.0);
sx = (1/dx)^2*sin(k*sxa)^2;
sy = (1/dy)^2*sin(k*sya)^2;
sz = (1/dz)^2*sin(k*sza)^2;
Sx = diff(sx);
Sy = diff(sy);
Sz = diff(sz);
fk = ((1/c^2)*St^2 -(sx^2+sy^2+sz^2));
fkp = -(Sx+Sy+Sz);
k = (2.0*pi) - (fk/fkp);
phase_error = -180/pi * (fk/fkp);
My error:
Enter the theta value 90
Enter the CFLN value 0.99
Enter the dx value 0.1
Enter the dy value 0.1
Enter the dz value 0.1
NaN/Inf breakpoint hit for symvar.m on line 33.
33 n = inf;

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