Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres

Recolor an image tile-wise with average colors of these certain tiles

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Julian le 23 Mai 2013
Hello everyone,
I have the following image (original image is .tif format)
Now, I would like to recolor it, that I don't have single color pixels anymore. I imagine something like the following:
assess a 10 x 10 pixel wide tile (or any other size), add only the non-zero color values and devide it by the number of non-zero values in this 10 x 10 tile to get the average pixel color. Than, recolor this 10 x 10 tile with the average pixel color. And than repeat this, with all possible not overlapping tiles of the image.
I hope, someone is 1. abler to understand waht I tried to say and 2. also able to help me.
Thank you!

Réponse acceptée

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski le 23 Mai 2013
Use blockproc to handle the block processing
doc blockproc
Then write a function which does the average ignoring zeros. So something like:
blockproc(magic(100),[10 10], @(bs)(sum(bs.data(logical(bs.data)))./nnz(bs.data))*ones(size(bs.data)))
  3 commentaires
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski le 23 Mai 2013
Modifié(e) : Sean de Wolski le 24 Mai 2013
You could use it in a for-loop over each colorplane
szI = size(I);
I2 = zeros(szI,'like',I);
for ii = 1:szI(3)
I2(:,:,ii) = what_I_Have(I(:,:,ii));
Julian le 24 Mai 2013
Great! It's always amazing, how fast someone is able to help around here :)
Thank you again!

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Plus de réponses (1)

Matt J
Matt J le 23 Mai 2013
Modifié(e) : Matt J le 23 Mai 2013
Splitting the image into tiles is easy using FEX: mat2tiles.
>> Image=rand(40,40); mat2tiles(Image,[10,10])
ans =
[10x10 double] [10x10 double] [10x10 double] [10x10 double]
[10x10 double] [10x10 double] [10x10 double] [10x10 double]
[10x10 double] [10x10 double] [10x10 double] [10x10 double]
[10x10 double] [10x10 double] [10x10 double] [10x10 double]
You can then do all the operations you're talking about on each cell using a simple for-loop.

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