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x undefined (Catenary Cable Case Study)

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Rean Manuel Clementir
Rean Manuel Clementir le 10 Mar 2021
Hi, I am hard coding an equation and the result is 'x' is undefined. What would went wrong with this? code below.
function fval = bisectCase2 (x)
fval = (x/12)*cosh((12/x)*(50))+6-(x/12)-15;

Réponse acceptée

Sargondjani le 10 Mar 2021
What you have done is programmed a function. So this function calculates fval when you give a value of x.
You can now call this function by typing in the command prompt:
fval = bisectCase2(x);
This will give you fval for x=3; Note that the function should be in the search path (so for example in your current directory).

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