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Import data and display on a graph in a GUI

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Soham le 27 Mai 2013
I have a set of files that contain time-discrete data signals. I have constructed a GUI that has 3 graphs. I want to import these files into the GUI and display in the graphs. How do I proceed with it ?

Réponses (1)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez le 27 Mai 2013
Each plot has to have its unique identifier ( Property Inspector -> tag ), then:
  1 commentaire
Soham le 27 Mai 2013
I have designed the GUI to display 3 graphs. To make sure that the imported data is displayed in the graph what steps do I need to undertake? What commands will I need to enter in the editor of the GUI?

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