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How to save ROIs from ImageJ's ROI Manager using MIJ

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Pushkal Sharma
Pushkal Sharma le 18 Mar 2021
Hi, I am trying to use MIJ for running FIJI inside MATLAB to run a pipeline:
I have an image on which I need to run an ImageJ Plugin which will identify all ROIs and then I need to save those identified ROIs as a zip in a folder. I am not sure how to save ROIs being opened up in the ROI manager since MATLAB could not identify the command .getRoi() and keeps showing an error
No method 'getRoi' with matching signature found for class 'MIJ'.
for k=1:length(imgs)
MIJ.run('LabelMap to ROI Manager (2D)');
MIJ.roiManager("Save", name+".zip");

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