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Help for "Longitudinal Traffic model or Car-Following Model" simulation

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Son le 5 Juin 2013
Commenté : Alex Gunagwera le 12 Oct 2020
Dear all, I am implementing a Longitudinal Traffic Model or Car-Following Model for a highway. Does anyone have an idea, references or simple code for drawing car motions using Car-Following Model. Thanks all in advance !

Réponses (1)

Happy61 le 7 Juin 2013
Modifié(e) : Happy61 le 7 Juin 2013
you can use any of the following car following models but I recommend the first one:
  1. IDM car following by Martin Treiber
  2. GM car following model
  3. Gipp car following model
  5 commentaires
pedrodiablo le 17 Fév 2020
Happy61, I know some years have passed but I’m very interested in your IDM Matlab model as this is something I’m trying to implement. Is this something you can still help with?
Alex Gunagwera
Alex Gunagwera le 12 Oct 2020
any examples here?

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