In case it helps someone else: I got extensive help from Mathworks on using the MATLAB Interface for Azure Cosmos DB and am now able to run SQL queries on my Cosmos DB and pull the results into MATLAB. Below is example code based on modifying what Mathworks provided. You can only run this after you install all the third party software required by the Interface.
%% Add Azure Cosmos DB SQL paths
% Change next line to the directory where you installed the Azure startup.m file
myAzurePath = ['C:\MyAzureInstallDirectory\matlab-azure-cosmos-db-master\' ...
run([myAzurePath 'startup.m']) % Should see "Adding Azure Cosmos DB SQL Paths"
%% Set up the client & config
databaseId = 'MyDatabaseName'; % Change to your database name
database = azure.documentdb.Database(databaseId);
docClient = azure.documentdb.DocumentClient(); % Create a document client
%% Confirm that you can connect to database
options = azure.documentdb.RequestOptions();
databaseLink = ['/dbs/',database.getId()];
if docClient.existsDatabase(databaseLink, options)
disp('Connected successfully to database')
collectionId = 'MyContainerName'; % Change to your container name
collectionLink = ['/dbs/',databaseId,'/colls/',collectionId];
% Can ignore any log complaints that appear here
%% Query to retrieve first few database records
options = azure.documentdb.FeedOptions();
% Edit this example query, which retrieves the first 10 records
queryStr = ['SELECT TOP 10 * FROM MyContainerName c'];
response = docClient.queryDocuments(collectionLink, queryStr, options);
responseCellArray = response.getQueryCellArray();
iRecord = 1; % Get the first of the 10 records retreived
FirstRecord = jsondecode(responseCellArray{iRecord}.toJson); % Output structure containing first record