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change a vector of a matrix

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Vanessa le 12 Juin 2013
Hi, I have a function
function survival(Si) where Si is a matrix (mx8)
Inside the function I create a vector 'status (mx1)', at the end I want to change one of the columns of the matrix Si by 'status'. The idea is that the matrix that the function use as 'entry' change, for use it in the next step. thanks

Réponse acceptée

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 12 Juin 2013
function Si = survival(Si)
status = [...];
column_to_change = ...; %e.g., 7
Si(:,column_to_change) = status;

Plus de réponses (1)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez le 12 Juin 2013
use the matrix as an output argument too:
function Si = survival(Si)
%your code here, you can change your Si matrix too


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