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How do i find the optimum variable values to maximise a Function?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Lokesh Sathyanarayana
Lokesh Sathyanarayana le 28 Avr 2021
Commenté : Alan Weiss le 29 Avr 2021
Say, I have a fucntion y given by
y = au+bv+zw where u,v and w are variables.
How do i find the values of variables such that maximum value of y is obtained? I have a range of values for the variables. I wanna know which variable should be given more importance.
Thank you

Réponses (1)

Jan le 28 Avr 2021
y = au+bv+zw is maximal, if all u,v,w are maximal, if a,b,z are positive. For negative parameters, use the minimal allowed value.
Something is missing. Maybe the sum u+v+w is limited?
  2 commentaires
Lokesh Sathyanarayana
Lokesh Sathyanarayana le 28 Avr 2021
Yes, sorry about that. Yeah something like that. The sum or the product is limited. How do i proceed then?
Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss le 29 Avr 2021
Perhaps you have a linear programming problem. See linprog and the linear programming documentation.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation

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