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can any one please solve this non linear equation?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
vishnu le 15 Juil 2013
can any one please solve this non linear equation?it has infinite no of solutions first 3 solutions for each a value i need
where x is to be find
y varies from 0 to 90
please help me

Réponse acceptée

Matt J
Matt J le 15 Juil 2013
Hint: the FZERO command
  3 commentaires
Matt J
Matt J le 15 Juil 2013
You can't get 3 roots at a time. However, the second input to FZERO let's you specify a search interval around the root you're looking for. You can run FZERO 3 times, once for each interval.
vishnu le 15 Juil 2013
is it possible to get complex root atleast one root for

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