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function refresh value when variable changes (pass by reference)?

7 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Howie le 17 Juil 2013
Commenté : Hossein Azarm le 12 Avr 2020
Would it be possible to refresh a function's value?
Say, A =1; B = 1; f = [A B]
Now, if I change A = 3, how should I change f's value without typing f = [A B] again?
It is essentially just like pass by reference, but I thought it is very complicated to do that in Matlab if possible.
This problem occurs because I may want to add variable c to f later, so f = [A B C], and in that way I just need to declare f in the beginning and do not have to change f everywhere.

Réponses (1)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez le 17 Juil 2013
Your question is answered in another post, follow the link:
href = ""<http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/152</a>>
  2 commentaires
Howie le 17 Juil 2013
Hi, the link is just this post

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