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minimum row value and return the row

7 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
azie le 18 Juil 2013
i need to find a minimum row value in a matrix. eg
A=[12 64 76; 34 10 27; 9 8 20; 10 30 8]
And the desired output would be min value of row = [9 8 20] which is row number 3.
is there any function can do this? I noticed that min () function is used to find the minimum value in a row NOT minimum row value.
  1 commentaire
Matthew Anderson
Matthew Anderson le 23 Fév 2016
This might be a little late, but the min(min()) function would do the trick

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Réponse acceptée

Teja Muppirala
Teja Muppirala le 18 Juil 2013
Do you mean to say, you want the row with the minimum maximum value?
A=[12 64 76; 34 10 27; 9 8 20; 10 30 8];
[value,ind] = min(max(A,[],2));
ans =
9 8 20
A = [ 7 9 5; 3 8 7; 4 5 6]
[value,ind] = min(max(A,[],2));
ans =
4 5 6
  1 commentaire
azie le 18 Juil 2013
Modifié(e) : azie le 18 Juil 2013
thanks teja. actually i dont understand how its works. but it works for my case. ur second choice. if u can explain what min max mean would be better.thanks. max(A,[],2) : what is 2 stands for?

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Plus de réponses (3)

Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford le 18 Juil 2013
You have not told us what aspect of rows you are minimizing. I will guess you want the row index of the row with the least sum.
[c,ix] = min(sum(A,2));
The value 'c' is the minimum row sum and 'ix' is that row's index.
  1 commentaire
azie le 18 Juil 2013
the value for each column can't be sum up.each column is different. just need the lowest row value.

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James Tursa
James Tursa le 18 Juil 2013
Modifié(e) : James Tursa le 18 Juil 2013
If you want row that contains the minimum value (it is not clear to me what "minimum row" means):
[x xi] = min(A(:));
xij = ind2sub(xi,size(A));
minrow = A(xij(1),:);
  3 commentaires
James Tursa
James Tursa le 18 Juil 2013
Can you please define what "minimum row" means? What is the minimum row of the following matrix (and why)?
[ 7 9 5;
3 8 7;
4 5 6]
azie le 18 Juil 2013
Modifié(e) : azie le 18 Juil 2013
the minimum row value will be [4 5 6]. the minimum value that we can get in a row.

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Heba Khaled
Heba Khaled le 16 Mai 2021
how to get the minimum value of particular rows in matlab


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