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How to get z-score from Kruskal Wallis test.

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Sang Hoon Kim
Sang Hoon Kim le 11 Mai 2021
Commenté : Sang Hoon Kim le 13 Mai 2021
I would like to get z score (stand score) from Kruskal Wallis test.
Does MATLAB provide automatic calculation for z-score?
('z = (x – μ(mean value)) / σ(standard deviaiton)')
For example,
[p,table,stats] = kruskalwallis(data,groups);
[c,m,h,nms] = multcompare(stats,'alpha',.05,'ctype','dunn-sidak');
1 2 107.358736884486 149.713883016209 192.069029147931 0
1 3 120.836759163490 153.690374387319 186.543989611148 0
2 3 -32.2920513577527 3.97649137111020 40.2450340999731 0.991192034848183
here is the result for c, and 6th column would be p value.
For each comparison, where to get z value?
(z value for 1-2 / 1-3 and 2-3)
I really appreciate it if someone could help.

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Bora Eryilmaz
Bora Eryilmaz le 13 Mai 2021
The Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox has the command to compute the zscore:
>> help zscore
zscore Standardized z score.
Z = zscore(X) returns a centered, scaled version of X, the same size as X.
For vector input X, Z is the vector of z-scores (X-MEAN(X)) ./ STD(X). For
matrix X, z-scores are computed using the mean and standard deviation
along each column of X. For higher-dimensional arrays, z-scores are
computed using the mean and standard deviation along the first
non-singleton dimension.

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