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How to change the color of origin lines in a plot ?

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Arsalan Amin
Arsalan Amin le 16 Mai 2021
Commenté : Arsalan Amin le 16 Mai 2021
Below given is the code and its graph.
But I want to change the colour of both the origin lines in the grid as depicted below, if it is possible. It's ok if both the line get same color but it would be fantastic if they both are of different color. (I don't want to center the origin or anything else, just a color change of both the identified lines).

Réponse acceptée

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 16 Mai 2021
xline(0, 'color', [255 84 2]/255)
yline(0, 'color', [254 169 1]/255)
  3 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 16 Mai 2021
I opened the image in MATLAB and used the data cursor to read off the colors; I did not refer to any site for the color codes.
Arsalan Amin
Arsalan Amin le 16 Mai 2021
Got it. Thank you once again.

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