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Unique vector in data

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Jonasz le 5 Août 2013
Clôturé : MATLAB Answer Bot le 20 Août 2021
Hello. I need to set a unique vector for 10 thousand samples. I would like to have one X vector and correspondent Y vectors. I imagine it by comparing all X vectors and choose the largest part of X vector which occur in all the others. Any ideas how to implement it in Matlab. Thanks a lot
[EDITED, relocated from answers section, Jan]
I have a mass spectrometry data. This data are arranged in two columns. The rows are about 6 thousand size. The first row is the X axis of the spectrum (mass) and the second is the Y axis of the spectrum (intensity) There are about 11 thousand samples. I need to scan all the samples in order to find such a part of X scale which will occur the most in all the samples. Then i need to interpolate this samples (Y values) which have other vector X than the best one. My question is how to find in Matlab the best part of vector through all the samples. Is there any useful function or do you have any helpful idea. Thanks a lot.
  5 commentaires
dpb le 6 Août 2013
Make up a sample dataset that is, say, 20 samples long and post it and the desired solution and how you arrived at that solution logically. The description still isn't clear enough to be able to design a solution.
My first thought is
doc xcorr
but then again, that doesn't really meet the description but I can't figure out what you have for spectroscopy data that has such an issue on the channels--I've done a lot of gamma-spec over the years but never had a problem I'd describe as you've done so am at a loss...
Jan le 6 Août 2013
Are you searching for the overlap between the X values of 10'000 different matrices? What exactly is a "sample"? There might be a large overlapping area for 9999 "samples", but the last one is completely distinct. Was is "good" or "best" then?
Currently the question is not clear. Perhaps you are simply looking for the maximum of the minimal values and minimum of the maximal values of each sample.

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