Efficient way to identify duplicate edges.
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I am having trouble coming up with efficient method to identify duplicate edges given the edge list.
Assume we have the following edge list:
SampleEdgeList=[9 8;1 3;4 6;7 3;2 4;3 1;]
First column represent starting nodes and the second column represent corresponding ending nodes. I am working with undirected edges, therefore, second row [1 3] and the sixth row [3 1] means the same thing. As a result, I have duplicate edges connecting node 1 and node 3.
I have EdgeList containing millions of edges, therefore, I would like to avoid for-loops and come up with the most efficient way to identify those duplicate edges.
Ultimately, I would like to regenerate one-end of the nodes for all the duplicate edges, to eliminate all duplicate edges.
Thanks for the help in advance!
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Réponse acceptée
the cyclist
le 8 Août 2013
Modifié(e) : the cyclist
le 8 Août 2013
uniqueEdgeList = unique(sort(SampleEdgeList,2),'rows')
You can also use the second and third outputs of the unique() function to know which of the original rows map to the unique rows, and vice versa. See
>> doc unique
for details.
4 commentaires
le 18 Jan 2018
fileID = fopen('C:\Users\TR RAO\Desktop\rao1.txt','r'); C = textscan(fileID, '%s %s'); fclose(fileID); d1=cellstr(C{1,1});d2=cellstr(C{1,2}); G=graph(d1,d2); A=adjacency(G) full(A); But this is not working for duplicate edges
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Anurag Passi
le 20 Avr 2016
I have the same question. However, my edges are in a cell array and are text. For example 'A0A023PXA5' 'O23144' 'A0A023PXP4' 'O23171' 'A0A023PYF7' 'O23171'
and sort (DIM and MODE) do not work on cell arrays. I have also tried to build source and target as separate cell arrays to use
G= graph(s,t)
But i am still getting the same error as:
Error using matlab.internal.graph.MLGraph Duplicate edges not supported.
Error in matlab.internal.graph.constructFromEdgeList (line 125) G = underlyingCtor(double(s), double(t), totalNodes);
Error in matlab.internal.graph.constructFromTable (line 40)
what am I doing wrong.
2 commentaires
Christine Tobler
le 2 Nov 2016
I realize this is late, but I'll add it in case it's still helpful: sort and unique along the rows are not supported for cell arrays of character vectors (cellstr), but is supported on the new string class. So you can do the following:
edgesString = string([s(:), t(:)]);
edgesUnique = cellstr(unique(edgesString, 'rows'))
g = graph(edgesUnique(:, 1), edgesUnique(:, 2));
It's not very nice-looking, but it should work.
le 19 Jan 2018
My data is (1,2) (1, 3) (1,4) (3,1)(2, 1) edgesUnique = cellstr(unique(edgesString, 'rows')) is working. But g = graph(edgesUnique(:, 1), edgesUnique(:, 2)); is not working for thisdata.
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