How can I draw a line over a 2D surface plot in an app?

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Joshua Mitchell
Joshua Mitchell le 18 Juin 2021
Commenté : SALAH ALRABEEI le 18 Juin 2021
I'm trying to draw a line on this plot when a function is triggered:
The function is below, it includes the creation of the surface plot above:
% Value changed function: NSLineSelectorSpinner
function NSLineSelectorSpinnerValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.NSLineSelectorSpinner.Value;
Bat = mvf_plane([app.minc,app.mdec,app.m],app.Ba_mag,app.Ba_inc,app.Ba_dec,30,1,app.alt);
Max = max(Bat,[],'all');
Min = min(Bat,[],'all');
xlim(app.UIAxes,[0 60]);
ylim(app.UIAxes,[Min Max]);
ax = app.UIAxes;
ax.YAxis.Exponent = 0;
ylim(app.UIAxes2, [0 60]);
xlim(app.UIAxes2, [0 60]);
app.UIAxes2.PositionConstraint = 'outerposition';
When the user changes the value on a spinner, a matrix ("Bat") is recalculated and the profile graph (UIAxes) and surface plot (UIAxes2) are remade. I would like to draw a vertical line along the y-axis of the surface plot at whatever "value" currently is ("value" will be along the x-axis). This is meant to just highlight whichever line is selected by the spinner without having the app open up another figure.
Thank you.

Réponse acceptée

SALAH ALRABEEI le 18 Juin 2021
yline(put the value)
  2 commentaires
Joshua Mitchell
Joshua Mitchell le 18 Juin 2021
That worked! I went with:
Do you know if xline will work on a 3D plot as well?
SALAH ALRABEEI le 18 Juin 2021
yes sure, it works along the x axis.

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