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How to convert my xlsread function to readmatrix function

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hong Wei Tang
Hong Wei Tang le 22 Juin 2021
Commenté : Cris LaPierre le 22 Juin 2021
I have a question about the input from Excel to MATLAB.
Here is my original code:
A = xlsread("Weather.xlsx", "WeatherData", "B2");
This function can actually help me to input a single cell value from Excel. However, I discovered that readmatrix was encouraged to be used, so that I plan to switch to it.
I amended the new code afterwards. Here is it:
A = readmatrix("Weather.xlsx", "sheet", "WeatherData", "Range", "B2");
but it displayed error in the end.
Therefore, I tried again to amende the code to be:
A = readmatrix("Weather.xlsx", "sheet", "WeatherData", "Range", "B2:B2");
But it takes me extremely long time to load. And I decided to stop it in the end.
I am here to ask that is the last coding correct? Otherwise do we have any function to express the same input?
Thanks. Have a great day!
  2 commentaires
Scott MacKenzie
Scott MacKenzie le 22 Juin 2021
A = readmatrix("Weather.xlsx", "sheet", "WeatherData", "Range", "B2");
looks fine. What's the exact and complete error you are seeing?
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre le 22 Juin 2021
What type of data does Column B contain?

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