Converting a 1D antenna array to planar array in 3D space
5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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Mariya Mollova
le 9 Juil 2021
Modifié(e) : Paul Hoffrichter
le 9 Juil 2021
I am struggling to understand how I can convert a linear array code to a 2D by changing or adding some lines of code.Here is what I have got so far:
Fc=1255e6; %/Hz Carrier frequency
C=3e8;%/m/s Speed of light
Lambda=C/Fc;%/m Wavelength
ESepx=0.49*Lambda; %/m Element separation in the x direction
ESepz=0.49*Lambda;%/m Element separation in the z direction
Nx=4; % Number of Elements in the x direction
Nz=16;%Number of Elements in the z direction
% First lets define a planar array in 3D space
plot(Elementpos(1,:), Elementpos(:,1), 'x')
xlabel('x axis (m)');
ylabel('z axis (m)');
title('element position');
3 commentaires
Paul Hoffrichter
le 9 Juil 2021
Modifié(e) : Paul Hoffrichter
le 9 Juil 2021
I added a 3rd technique in the answer.
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Paul Hoffrichter
le 9 Juil 2021
Modifié(e) : Paul Hoffrichter
le 9 Juil 2021
Fc=1255e6; %/Hz Carrier frequency
C=3e8;%/m/s Speed of light
Lambda=C/Fc;%/m Wavelength
ESepx=0.49*Lambda; %/m Element separation in the x direction
ESepz=0.49*Lambda;%/m Element separation in the z direction
Nx=4; % Number of Elements in the x direction
Nz=16;%Number of Elements in the z direction
xPos = (-(Nx-1)/2:(Nx-1)/2)*ESepx;
zPos = (-(Nz-1)/2:(Nz-1)/2)*ESepz;
figure(101), hold on;
for z = zPos
zs = repmat(z, 1, length(xPos));
plot( xPos, zs, 'bx');
xlabel('x axis (m)');
ylabel('z axis (m)');
title('element position');
[X Y] = meshgrid( xPos, zPos );
plot(X, Y,'kx')
xlabel('x axis (m)');
ylabel('z axis (m)');
title('element position');
zP = repmat(zPos', 1, 4);
plot(xPos, zP, 'gx')
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