how to create matrix with coordinates and calculate distance?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
ankanna le 9 Juil 2021
n = 3; ri=0.9
source = 1;
destination = 3;
NN = toeplitz(Link+1:-1:2)
mask = logical(fliplr(diag(ones(1,Link-1),-1)));
NN(mask) = 1;
for c = 0:2^Link-1
l = bitget(c, NN)
i have this type matrix code. l is the to calculate distance.
i = 1 :n
j = i+1:n
D(i,j) = sqrt((x(i)-x(j))^2 + (y(i)-y(j))^2);
please help to calculate distance.

Réponse acceptée

Simon Chan
Simon Chan le 9 Juil 2021
[Ny, Nx] = size(l);
D = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2)
  6 commentaires
ankanna le 9 Juil 2021
do you now interference.
n = 3. if three nodes are 1,2,3.
2 is interfering node. 1 is source node and 3 is destination node.
for example n = 10
for a network of 10 nodes where n1 is the source and n10 is the destination, all permutations of m or fewer elements of 2,3,....,9 form potential paths when m represents the limit on intermediate nodes. The number of paths with m intermediate nodes
how to calculate interference
please any idea and help me to calculate
Simon Chan
Simon Chan le 9 Juil 2021
Sorry, no idea about interference. You may search previous questions to see whether you can get any solution from others.

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Plus de réponses (1)

ankanna le 9 Juil 2021
ok sir thank you for your quick response


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