how to generate the graph with different colors for the following code.

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
jaah navi
jaah navi le 11 Juil 2021
Commenté : Image Analyst le 11 Juil 2021
[hAX,hLine1,hLine2] = plotyy(x, [y1; y5], x, [y2; y6], @(X,Y)semilogy(X,Y,'k'), @(X,Y)plot(X,Y,'k');
Here, I want each line to be represented in different colors instead of black colour. could anyone please help me on this.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 11 Juil 2021
Is there a 'Color' option you could use. For example
colorList = jet(numberOfLines) % eg jet(6);
set(hLine2(1),'LineStyle','--','Marker','o', 'Color', colorList(1, :));
% or
set(hLine2(1),'LineStyle','--','Marker','o', 'Color', 'r'); % Use red
  4 commentaires
jaah navi
jaah navi le 11 Juil 2021
I am getting error stating undefined function or variable 'numberOfLines'.
However I managed to get the graph using the following lines.
[hAX,hLine1,hLine2] = plotyy(x, [y1; y5], x, [y2; y6], @(X,Y)semilogy(X,Y), @(X,Y)plot(X,Y));
set(hLine2(1),'LineStyle','--','Marker','o', 'Color', 'r')
Thanks for your solution.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 11 Juil 2021
Well how many lines are you plotting? Two, right? So
numberOfLines = 2;
If you want more specific advice that you don't need to adapt, please attach x, y1, y2, y5, and y6 (all your data)
save('answers.mat', 'x', 'y1', 'y2', 'y5', 'y6');
then use the paperclip icon to attach it here.
Also, do you have any particular colors in mind? You can also make a list of line styles and marker shapes and do basically the same thing. But for only 2 curves, it's probably best not to generalize and just hard code in the color you want with the 'color' option.
See attached demo.

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