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extracting the last three characters from cell array

29 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
sermet OGUTCU
sermet OGUTCU le 17 Juil 2021
Réponse apportée : Rik le 17 Juil 2021
[FileName,pathname,d] = uigetfile('*.SP3','Choose the products','MultiSelect','on');
FileName =
1×2 cell array
{'COD0MGXFIN_20210870000_01D_05M_ORB.SP3'} {'COD0MGXFIN_20210880000_01D_05M_ORB.SP3'}
When FileName consists of single file, I extract the last three characters of FileName as follows:
When FileName consists of multiple files (as shown above), how can I extract the last three characters of FileName?

Réponse acceptée

Simon Chan
Simon Chan le 17 Juil 2021
Use cellfun to retrieve the last three charaters
FileNameinCell=cellfun(@(x) x(end-2:end), FileName, 'UniformOutput', false)
FileNameinCell =
{'SP3'} {'SP3'}
FileNameinCell{1} , FileNameinCell{2}, etc =

Plus de réponses (1)

Rik le 17 Juil 2021
You probably want to extract the extension, instead of hard-coding the last three characters:
YouWant = 1×2 cell array
{'SP3'} {'SP3'}


En savoir plus sur Cell Arrays dans Help Center et File Exchange


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