How to plot an angle (theta) vs Current for the following question

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Varun Nair
Varun Nair le 19 Juil 2021
Commenté : Walter Roberson le 20 Juil 2021
I am new to Matlab.
I wanted to find the Torque given as T= A*I*cos(theta) - B*I.^2*sin(2*thetha)
with A= 0.01 B= 0.001; I varies from 0 to 100 and thetha from 0 to 45.
I want to find the maximum T (Torque) and plot I vs Theta
This my basic syntax:
A=0.01; %Wb is the unit of A
B=0.001; %H is the unit of Inductance

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 19 Juil 2021
A=0.01; %Wb is the unit of A
B=0.001; %H is the unit of Inductance
I =(0:10:100); %row!
theta=(0:1:45).'; %column!
T = A .* I .* cosd(theta) - B .* I.^2 .* sind(2*theta);
surf(I, theta, T)
xlabel('I'); ylabel('theta'); zlabel('Torque')
[maxT, idx] = max(T(:));
[r,c] = ind2sub(size(T), idx);
best_theta = theta(r);
best_I = I(c);
fprintf('best torque is %g at theta = %g and I = %g\n', maxT, best_theta, best_I);
best torque is 1 at theta = 0 and I = 100
  7 commentaires
Varun Nair
Varun Nair le 20 Juil 2021
You mean to say using meshgrid?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 20 Juil 2021
Yes, using meshgrid. You can avoid using ind2sub() -- but you still end up using linear indexing.
A=0.01; %Wb is the unit of A
B=0.001; %H is the unit of Inductance
I_vec =(0:10:100);
theta_vec = (0:1:45);
[I, theta] = meshgrid(I_vec, theta_vec);
T = A .* I .* cosd(theta) - B .* I.^2 .* sind(2*theta);
surf(I, theta, T)
xlabel('I'); ylabel('theta'); zlabel('Torque')
[maxT, idx] = max(T(:));
best_theta = theta(idx);
best_I = I(idx);
fprintf('best torque is %g at theta = %g and I = %g\n', maxT, best_theta, best_I);
best torque is 1 at theta = 0 and I = 100

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