how to remove vowels using matlab ?

11 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
dwi le 1 Oct 2013
Commenté : shivam verma le 2 Déc 2018
pleas help me to answer this following question :
Remove all the vowels in the given phrase.
Input s1 = 'Jack and Jill went up the hill'
Output s2 is 'Jck nd Jll wnt p th hll'
  6 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 1 Oct 2013
I don't think those are semi-vowels, Andreas :)
Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser le 1 Oct 2013
Ah, I wasn't responding to Walter but was more generally mentioning such strange characters exist.

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Réponses (3)

Jothi le 1 Oct 2013
s1 = 'Jack and Jill went up the hill'
for i=1:5
output = strrep(s1, vow{i}, '');
output =
Jck nd Jll wnt up th hll
  2 commentaires
Jan le 1 Oct 2013
@Jothi: vow need not be a cell. strrep is efficient, but this is an alternative:
vow = 'aeioe';
s1 = 'Jack and Jill went up the hill'
for k = 1:5
s1(s1 == vow(k)) = [];
shivam verma
shivam verma le 2 Déc 2018
jothi i think your answer is not working, can you please check again?

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Jan le 1 Oct 2013
Modifié(e) : Jan le 1 Oct 2013
output = s1(~ismember(s1, 'aeiou'));
And considering uppercase vowels:
output = s1(~ismember(lower(s1), 'aeiou'));

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov le 1 Oct 2013
Modifié(e) : Andrei Bobrov le 1 Oct 2013
  1 commentaire
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 1 Oct 2013
Too efficient for a beginner answer. As was the answer I almost posted but decided against a second ago.

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