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How do I define this integral function?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Leo Tu
Leo Tu le 29 Juil 2021
Commenté : Leo Tu le 30 Juil 2021
Attached is a pdf of the function I am trying to define. t' is the integral variable (which in the code I name x). ω, s, μ are variable parameters that will take a range of values that the user chooses. AT is a vector of 12054 temperatures which, for simplicity, we can consider all values in the vector as 1. My function so far is this:
% Lambda needs to contain all the values for each value of t.
function integral = lamb(s,om,mu,AT)
t = max(s)+1:numel(AT);
for ti = 1:numel(t)
fun1 = @(x) om.^abs(x-s).*AT(t(ti)-x); % Numerator
q = @(x) integral(fun1,0,t(ti)); % Integral of the numerator
fun2 = @(x) om.^abs(x-s); % Denominator
p = @(x) integral(fun2,0,t(ti)); % Integral of the denominator
lambda = mu + q/p; % Function seen in pdf
I run this function using this script:
% Here I would load AT but for simplicity let it be vector of 1's.
s = 0:60; % lag range
om = 0.1:0.1:1; % decay rate range
mu = 1:10; % baseline rate range
Ns = numel(s);
Nom = numel(om);
Nmu = numel(mu);
nll = nan(Ns,Nom,Nmu);
for si = 1:Ns
omi = 1:Nom;
mui = 1:Nmu;
integral(si,omi,mui) = lamb(s(si),om(omi),mu(mui),AT);
I end up with the error:
Error using /
Arguments must be numeric, char, or logical.
% This error is for the final line in the for loop in the function.
If anyone could help me with this function it would be much appreciated, thank you.

Réponse acceptée

David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson le 29 Juil 2021
Modifié(e) : David Goodmanson le 29 Juil 2021
Hello LT,
fun1 = @(x) x.^2
q1 = @(x) integral(fun1,0,4)
q2 = integral(fun1,0,4)
q1 = function_handle with value:
q2 = 21.3333
I assume that you want a numerical result for q, but the extra @(x) creates a function handle instead.
  1 commentaire
Leo Tu
Leo Tu le 30 Juil 2021
Thank you @David Goodmanson, that certainly helps!

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