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xPC Target and B&R PowerLink (Real-Time Ethernet)

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Igor Braverman
Igor Braverman le 6 Juin 2011
Does anybody have any experience with setting up communication between xPC Target box and B&R's box using B&R's PowerLink (<http://www.ethernet-powerlink.org/index.php?id=2>). I presume it would be through real-time UDP on xPC side? Trying to setup HIL simulation with my controller running on B&R industrial PC and plant running on SpeedGoat's xPC.

Réponses (1)

Dimitri MANKOV
Dimitri MANKOV le 9 Août 2022
Hi Igor,
I belive you would need a specific module for that. Speedgoat offers dedicated POWERLINK I/O interfaces for this purpose, see here.

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