Average numbers in array

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Krasimir Terziev
Krasimir Terziev le 4 Août 2021
Commenté : Krasimir Terziev le 4 Août 2021
I've got an array with 65926x2 values. I try to make average when the 1st column got numer of 600 and write in the a new array as 1st cell. Then i want a next average till the numer of 1st column is 1200. What i mean is the time_space_average=[0:600:604800];
So at the end i want to have an array with 1009x1 elements. i will put excel table and picture of the data arrays!
Thanks in advance!

Réponses (1)

KSSV le 4 Août 2021
You may proceed some like this shown below:
T = readtable('C:\Users\KSSV\Downloads\1.xlsx') ;
x = T.(1) ; y = T.(2) ;
idx = 0:600:604800;
[c,ia] = ismember(idx,x) ;
n = length(ia);
iwant = zeros(n-1,2) ;
for i = 1:n-1
iwant(i,:) = [idx(i) mean(y(i:i+1))] ;
  1 commentaire
Krasimir Terziev
Krasimir Terziev le 4 Août 2021
Thanks for the fast answer!
I've got a different answers from that code.
What i mean is 1st.
i change this -> x = T.(1) ; y = T.(2) ; to this -> x = T(:,1); y = T(:,2);
so after that change, the code worked, but
the answer of "iwant" is from 0 to 604200 (not to 604800) - > it can be from 600 ( because average of one number at the zero is the same number) till 604800 including.
and the last one:
When i make average of the numbers in excel table -> there is not equal between the iwant 2nd column = 600 - 233.637405484499 and the table 600 - 233.790024856455.
i will put the same table with 2 average calculations, so the logic have to be the same.
If i miss somethink, just tell me :) im newbie at coding
i will wait for ur respon.
Thanks again!

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