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imwrite 12bit data?

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
William Thielicke
William Thielicke le 4 Août 2021
Commenté : Rik le 5 Août 2021
Hello, I have a camera that gives me grayscale 12bit images. They are quite big, and the framerate is quite high, so I would like to avoid saving 16 bit tiffs from this data (as I am hoping to save some disk space and computing time when saving as 12 bit). Is there a possibility to save 12bit image data without loosing time for converting stuff?
  3 commentaires
William Thielicke
William Thielicke le 5 Août 2021
That sounds like a great trick, especially, because I am capturing double images anyway... Thanks!
But your comment also tells me that there apparently is no standard 12bit image format.
Rik le 5 Août 2021
I'm not aware of any 12-bit standard. There might very well exist one, this method was just the easiest to implement while making sure no data would be lost and all half-decent programs would be able to process the resulting files.

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