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Automatically opening Emails containing photo in Matlab

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Cady le 7 Oct 2013
Commenté : Cady le 8 Oct 2013
I need a code that will automatically open emails and extract photos that are within the email to be processed using image processing. Can anyone help me with determining a code that can do this because I am not very competent with using Matlab and having trouble creating a code that can do this. Thank you for any assistance.

Réponses (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 7 Oct 2013
What is your email client? Is it Microsoft Outlook? You might have to use ActiveX to launch and control your email application - not an easy task for a beginning programmer. How many do you have to process? If it's just a few dozen, then it will take you less time to just do it manually than to write a program to do it.
  1 commentaire
Cady le 8 Oct 2013
Email client hasn't really been decided depending on how easy certain clients may be to use with Matlab. It would process a few dozen as an example but should be able to process much more than this and can not be done manually.

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