Is it possible to execute .m file by MCR in Ubuntu

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
M Prabu
M Prabu le 10 Oct 2013
Commenté : M Prabu le 10 Oct 2013
Hi, I have done some image processing in matlab on windows os. That code is executed successfully and gave expected output. But i have to execute it on Ubuntu os. I dont have matlab full software in ubuntu, instead of that i have MCR and it is installed, environment variables had been set as per installation guide. when compiling i got error.
matlab: No MATLAB executable for this machine architecture.
/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v717/bin/glnx86/MATLAB does not exist!
My ubuntu architecture is 32 bit. i have installed correctly. I am also given
sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /lib/
for 32 bit installation. Anyway i cant execute my .m file. My doubt is, is it possible to execute .m file without having Matlab full software. With MCR can i execute .m file. Please suggest me to do this.
  1 commentaire
M Prabu
M Prabu le 10 Oct 2013
I am also tried to execute with wine. .m file deployed to .exe file. eventhough i am getting error from wine.

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Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub le 10 Oct 2013
No. You cannot create a Linux executable from a Windows machine. In order to create an executable you need a full installation of MATLAB and the compiler (as well as any toolboxes your function uses). Once an executable is created, you can then run it with the MCR on a machine without MATLAB.
  1 commentaire
M Prabu
M Prabu le 10 Oct 2013
I am getting this error while executing in ubuntu os with MCR
root@isro:/usr/local/Matlabfiles# ./hdf.m
./hdf.m: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./hdf.m: line 4: ` L_510 = hdfread('/usr/local/Matlabfiles/25sephdf/O2_01AUG2013_010_012_GAN_L1B_ST_S.hdf', '/Geophysical Data/L_510', 'Index', {[1 1],[1 1],[6120 1243]});'

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