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creating matrix using existing matrix

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Tomer Marom
Tomer Marom le 15 Août 2021
Commenté : Tomer Marom le 18 Août 2021
given a matrix, how do you apply a function on every element to create a new matrix of the same size ?
  1 commentaire
Wan Ji
Wan Ji le 15 Août 2021
That's simple, e.g.
A = magic(5);
B = A.^2 + 3*A + 4;

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 15 Août 2021
Try passing your matrix into your function, like
newM = yourFunction(M)
where you define your operations in the function. For example to cube it (element by element) and add 4:
function newM = yourFunction(M)
newM = M .^ 3 + 4;
  1 commentaire
Tomer Marom
Tomer Marom le 18 Août 2021
Thank you ! I guessed it should work that way but I coudlnt understand how to define functions properly.
I also found that using Arrayfun does the job pretty well, Thanks

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