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Bypassing the internal (Linear) observer in MPC toolbox 3

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Qadeer Ahmed
Qadeer Ahmed le 16 Juin 2011
Modifié(e) : Bill Tubbs le 24 Mai 2021
I wish to use my designed non-linear Observer with the MPC block (MPC toolbox v3.1)for the real-time control of a system. However, the MPC block contains its own linear observer for state estimation.
How can I bypass (disable) the internal linear observer of the MPC block in Simulink for real-time implementation.

Réponses (1)

Bill Tubbs
Bill Tubbs le 24 Mai 2021
Modifié(e) : Bill Tubbs le 24 Mai 2021
Might be 10 years too late but I had this question and it looks like you can set the following check box below in the Simulink MPC block parameters:
When I did this, the usual 'measured output' inport is replaced with an inport labelled `x[k|k]` for the state estimates from some other observer.
[I'm using MATLAB 2019b.]


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