Problem 2381. Sum of digit range
If A is n1, and B is n2 digit positive numbers. A*B's digit range will be [c d] (c = min & d = max). Then return c+d.
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Is the explanation of the problem and test suite the same meaning?
Can anyone help me in understanding the problem statement? It's so confusing.
If number of digits in A, n1 = 4, then A belongs to {10^4 to 10^5-1}
You will be given n1 and n2. You need to find the sum of ( min and max number of digits ) in A*B.
Let c be the number of digits in the smallest product of an n1-digit number and an n2-digit number and d be the number of digits in the largest product of an n1-digit number and an n2-digit number. Return c+d.
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