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on 30 Oct 2021
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I=zeros(300, 400, 3);
% here image is of class ‘uint8’, the range of values
% that each colour component can have is [0 – 255]
%painting the whole image Bottle Green
I(:, :, 1)=0;
I(:, :, 2)=106;
I(:, :, 3)=78;
%loop for rows i.e. for x-axis
for i=100:200
%loop for columns i.e. for y-axis
for j=150:250
%The equation of circle to make the circle in the center.
if round(sqrt((i-150)^2+(j-200)^2)<50)
% Paint the circle with Bright Red
I(i, j, 1)=244;
I(i, j, 2)=42;
I(i, j, 3)=65;
end % end if loop.
end % end column loop.
end % end row loop.
% show the image formed.
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