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on 24 Oct 2022
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close all; clear all; tic % how fast is your computer?
theta=(0:0.001:1)*2*pi; % angles
x=cos(theta); % width
y=sin(theta)+abs(x)*0.7; % height
fill(x,y,'r','linewidth',2) % draw
axis equal; axis off
% print('-djpeg','-r600', 'heart.jpg'); % uncomment to save
toc % how fast is your computer?
Elapsed time is 0.335005 seconds.
disp('pretty simple and fun, no? yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ' )
pretty simple and fun, no? yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
disp 'creditSimple HEART Shape Drawing by Amitava Biswas '
credit: Simple HEART Shape Drawing by Amitava Biswas
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