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  • Seth DeLand

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  • Fourier Series Approximations of Common Waveforms

on 8 Nov 2023
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function drawframe(nn)
% Approximate a triangle, square, and sawtooth wave using Fourier Series.
% Number of Coefficients
o = 8;
l = lines;
% Triangle Wave
w(1).o = 1:2:o;
w(1).c = (8/pi^2).*((-1).^((w(1).o-1)/2))./(w(1).o.^2);
w(1).a = @(t) 2*w(1).o*pi*t;
w(1).x0 = sum(w(1).c(1:end-1));
w(1).rbg = l(1,:);
% Square Wave
w(2).o = 1:o;
w(2).c = (4/pi)*1./(2*w(2).o-1);
w(2).a = @(t) (2*w(2).o - 1)*2*pi*t;
w(2).x0 = sum(w(2).c(1:end-1));
w(2).rbg = l(2,:);
% Sawtooth Wave
w(3).o = 1:o;
w(3).c = (2/pi).*(1./w(3).o);
w(3).a = @(t) 2*w(3).o*pi*t;
w(3).x0 = sum(w(3).c(1:end-1));
w(3).rbg = l(3,:);
dx = 0.2;
%% Graphics Initialization
% Create the axes and title
yl = [-2 2];
xl = [-3 12];
n = 3;
tl = tiledlayout(3,1,'TileSpacing','tight');
ti = ["Triangle","Square","Sawtooth"];
for i = 1:n
ax(i) = nexttile;
"XTickLabel","","YTickLabel","","TickLength",[0 0],...
"DataAspectRatio",[1 1 1],"PlotBoxAspectRatioMode","manual");
% Initialize an array of hgtransform objects. We will use these transforms
% to position the circles that approximate the Fourier series.
h(i).h = repelem(hgtransform,length(w(i).o),1);
% Create the circles and transform them to the appropriate locations.
ct(i).t = zeros(4,4,length(w(i).o));
for n = 1:length(w(i).o)
c = circle(0,0,w(i).c(n));
if n==1
% The first circle always stays at the origin, so it gets an
% identity translation.
h(i).h(n) = hgtransform("Parent",ax(i));
ct(i).t(:,:,n) = makehgtform("translate",[0 0 0]);
% Every other circle will need to be translated by the radius of
% the circle before it. We parent each circle to its predecessor.
h(i).h(n) = hgtransform("Parent",h(i).h(n-1));
ct(i).t(:,:,n) = makehgtform("translate",[w(i).c(n-1) 0 0]);
% Parent the circle to the hgtransform, and apply the translation.
% Initialize the line for the approximated signal.
a(i).l = line(w(i).x0,0,'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2,'Color',w(i).rbg);
% Initialize the horizontal line that connects the last circle with the
% approximated signal.
z(i).l = line([w(i).x0 w(i).x0],[0 0],'LineStyle','--','Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'Marker','.','MarkerSize',10);
%% Animation
% Animation is done with an outer loop that loops over time and an inner
% loop that calculates the successive terms in the Fourier series.
for t = 0:nn-1 % Loop through time
for i = 1:3 % Loop through each wave
th = w(i).a(t/24);
for n = 1:length(th) % Loop through term in Fourier series
if n>1
% Our function calculates absolute angles, but because our
% transforms work relative to each other we need to subtract
% the previous angle for terms of order>1.
cr = makehgtform("zrotate",th(n)-th(n-1));
cr = makehgtform("zrotate",th(n));
% Apply the rotation and then the translation. Transform order is
% right-to-left of matrix multiplication order.
% Calculate the x- and y-coordinate of the point on the last circle.
% There is probably a way to calculate this from the transform objects,
% but I find it easier to calculate it from the terms in the series.
% This is a matrix multiply: coeffs is [1 x order] and theta' is
% [order x 1].
x = w(i).c*cos(th)';
y = w(i).c*sin(th)';
% Append the newest point to the approximated line
a(i).l.XData = [a(i).l.XData a(i).l.XData(end)+dx];
a(i).l.YData = [y a(i).l.YData];
% Update the coordinates of the horizontal line
z(i).l.XData(1) = x;
z(i).l.YData = [y y];
% Update the figure
%% Helper Functions
function c = circle(xc,yc,r)
% Create a circle with center {xc,yc} with radius r. The circle also
% has a radial line drawn from its center to {xc,0}.
nPts = 1E2;
th = linspace(0,2*pi,nPts);
g = [0.5 0.5 0.5];
x = xc+r*sin(th);
y = yc+r*cos(th);
c(1) = line(x,y,'Color',g);
c(2) = line([xc xc+r],[yc yc],'Color',g,'Marker','.','MarkerSize',10,'LineStyle',':');
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