
Congratulations, the cyclist, for winning the Editor's Pick award for MATLAB Answers!

Toshiaki Takeuchi le 28 Mar 2023
Dernière activité Réponse par Mayuom Ajokber le 14 Juin 2023

Congratulations, @the cyclist for winning the Editor's Pick badge awarded for MATLAB Answers, in recognition of your awesome solution in Center of gaussian mixed distribution area.
Thank you for going to great lengths to help a user in this thread. It appears you downloaded the academic paper and read parts of it to figure out how to help the user.
This is a new badge we just introduced to recognize awesome answers people contribute and yours was picked for discovering a creative way to solve the problem, and made the solution clear, and reproducible. Thank you so much for setting a high standard for MATLAB Answers and for your ongoing contribution to the community.
MATLAB Central Team
Mayuom Ajokber
Mayuom Ajokber le 14 Juin 2023

Thanks you very much

the cyclist
the cyclist le 28 Mar 2023
I'd like to thank the MATLAB Academy, and the ongoing support of my wife.
Toshiaki Takeuchi
Toshiaki Takeuchi le 28 Mar 2023
Rena Berman
Rena Berman le 28 Mar 2023
(Answers Dev) Congratulations!!


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